World’s Toughest Race

Andrew and I finished watching a show last night called “World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge”. I had never heard of adventure racing before, but it is a thing. It is intense. Imagine several triathlons back-to-back through the jungle… or worse. This race was through Fiji. They paddled in open ocean for miles, hiked through the jungle, […]

Running The Race

There are several Bible verses that talk about “running the race”. This life on earth is likened to a race, a race that we’re to train for and to strive to win. Not, as one author writes (Bethany L. Jenkins), to win against the others running, as we want them to win too. But rather, […]

Moving. Again.

Sometimes I write. Rarely do I share. But this is what’s on my mind today. Moving. Again. We hear about the sacrifice that our military members make to serve. Always ready. Always willing. We hear about military spouses. Supporting. Following. And the kids in military families. Resilient. But never settled. But it goes beyond that, […]


I’ll be 40 next year. As I get older I find myself expecting that I should be more mature; more grown up, in more ways than I care to admit. One of these ways is that I think that by now I should be someone that others can consistently look to for guidance or care, […]

Saying Good-bye

“I could never do what you do because I could never give them back.” I have heard this sentence many times since becoming a foster parent. It’s probably the thing I hear most when people meet our foster children for the first time or when the topic of foster parenting comes up. I know why […]

Blessed with Gifts for Blessing

Do you ever leave someone’s company and think to yourself, “I’d like to be more like her“? I have. We tend to compare ourselves, don’t we? We often mimic what we like in others and oppose what we don’t. Maybe we even wish we could be more like someone else or that we could do what others […]

We All Scream For Ice Cream?…

My girls aren’t much alike. One has dark hair, the other light. One is at the bottom of the growth curve, the other is closer to the top. One will eat all of her supper, the other has to be reminded to stop singing and put food into her mouth. One has an outburst of […]

That’s what Anna said!

Anna: “Can I play with your hair?” Me: “Sure.” Anna: “I like your hair!” Me: “Thank you, baby.” *cough* Anna: “I really like your cough too.” Anna: “Are you God?” Andrew: “No.” Anna: “Are you Lord?” Andrew: “No. You can’t see God.” Anna: “That’s right. God is right here, in my heart… and in my […]

Just One Book

Anna came downstairs after her nap this afternoon and immediately requested that I read a book with her. I could hear that Claire was also awake, upstairs in her crib. She sounded happy though, so I told Anna we could read just one book together before going to see Claire. She happily said, “Okay!” and […]

Growing Up

This may be stating the obvious, my girls are growing up, but I may have been oblivious to the obvious…  …until earlier this week when Anna and Claire both stood on the scale. Anna weighed in at 24.2 lbs. and Claire weighed in at 27.2 lbs. I think I knew Claire weighed more, but after […]